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Dance between isotopy and plasticity in Pepsi ad "Come to life"

"Come to life" - Pepsi's brand advertisement catches the eye with its extraordinary uniqueness. How does their encouragement to return to life relate to the method by which Pepsi is advertised?

Isotopy of the Composition of Time and Space Categorization

Time seems frozen – there is no visible movement, i.e., no dripping liquid droplets. Everything appears stuck somewhere. Therefore, we can see the inception of negative space – there is a clear distinction between life (flow) and death (stagnation). This creates a category of existence and addresses the problem of ensuring the flow and interaction between the past, present, and future.

The spatial characteristic is linearity due to the apparent boundless verticality (it is unclear where the action begins and ends). It is also evident that this verticality is confined within obvious frames – there are no hints of horizontal continuity. Thus, the following spatial oppositions can be distinguished: life vs. death = natural selection (deciding who will live and who will die), light vs. dark = day (dividing the day into two opposing times), dependence vs. independence = freedom (the marked weakness or strength of others' influence, depending on the action), energy vs. lack of energy = motivation (the desire to undertake something and the absence of that desire, revealed through external factors), stagnation vs. movement = natural flow (undertaking a predetermined goal and realizing it in the process).

Considering this, the heterotopy of space can be seen, as the stagnation of time and the immobility of space create an impression of imagined existence, i.e., something that is yet to happen, for example, the dripping of liquid.

The most prominent isotopy in the advertisement is the surrender of freedom into the hands of dependence. This isotopy is revealed through objects that show the beginnings of control and submission to control. This not only shows the significant influence of power on further flow but also the determination of the character surrendering to that influence to sacrifice their identity for something that would make them feel better.

Unique Plasticity in the Meaning of Color

The isotopy seen in the advertisement urges not to forget the most distinctive colors that significantly impact the ad and its flow.

White has its unique traits. It is stained with dark droplets, which create an inverse meaning to cleanliness and perfection. This bag is also puffed up and tense, slightly distorting its shape and creating an inverse meaning to perfection. It is worth noting that the slogan "Come to life" is also written in white. This also confirms the impurity of this color, as an obvious call to resurrect, i.e., return to life, is seen.

The most obvious meaning of black relates to protection and power. Protection manifests through the obvious metaphor of using this color to ensure life due to its equivalence to blood. Power is also clearly expressed. Its meaning goes through the implied influence of this black liquid on life.

Although black ensured protection, i.e., the stagnant state of being, its transformation into red converted this meaning into action (stagnation turned into flow). Here, the significant influence of power is still evident – life depends on it. However, a new meaning of energy is also seen, which can be interpreted as strength (the future is in its hands), completeness (ensuring not only existence but also the existence of tools important for existence), and health (the shape of the blood bag creates an implied connection to care and necessity).

Blue comes in two shades. The shade surrounding the Pepsi bag is light, as if surrounded by an aura. Therefore, the imitation of safety and trust is very strong. The dark blue color further cools this impression – it seems cold, unappealing, and even repelling, showing that being close to this Pepsi bag more ensures the stimulus of positive emotions and influence.

Gray in this advertisement represents neutrality and control. Neutrality manifests through its direct non-participation in the process. It represents the hook that supports but has no additional influence. Therefore, it is important to mention the neutral but crucial control under the influence of this color – the further fate of the Pepsi bag depends on its strength.


Olesen, J. Color meanings – The Power and Symbolism of Colors.


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