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Unveiling the Secrets of the PS5 Logo Animation: What's Really Behind It?

Updated: Jun 12

No conspiracies are needed to read between the lines, especially when talking about logos, where each color and symbol segment can have meanings we never thought about.

The Power of Color

In the ad, the blue is a lighter to darker color. This color is associated with nature and natural elements. Since blue is also associated with creativity, this association with nature can be more inspiring to reflect on our relationship with nature. But a lot depends on the shade of the color. If the color is lighter, it evokes a sense of security, trust and loyalty. This color is also associated with spirituality, as it can represent clarity of mind and purpose (in yoga and meditation, this color is used to help focus on inner peace). It is also associated with avoiding a lot of attention. However, the darker the color, the more it moves away from positive values. The slogan "Out of the blue", which means an unexpected appearance, indicates a departure from the balance and established norms. However, returning to the advertisement itself, it would be worth paying attention to the slogan "Play has no limits" in the advertisement, which encourages you to break out of established norms and not be afraid to go beyond the limits of the norm. Therefore, it partially conflicts with the meaning of the blue color in the background, even the darkest shades of which are most associated with conservatism, passivity, depression, predictability, but not with breaking norms.

On the other hand, it is worth noting that the PlayStation symbol PS and the slogan "Play has no limits" itself are white. This color is considered a symbol of purity and innocence. Balance is associated with this color. However, comparing the color to the slogan makes the balance link questionable. An invitation to do something without limit shows the opposite of balance. White color is also considered a symbol of cleanliness, simplicity, perfectionism. However, if it is said that the game has no limit, doesn't cleanliness, simplicity, perfectionism become the opposite of everything? Good feeling, hope, clarity that comes through refreshment and clearing the mind - these are the main emotions that this color evokes. But compared to the text, it also crosses. The absence of a limit creates tension. The only thing that can be taken as a comparison between color and text is hope. The game itself provides the sensations that drive the matches. This is where the hope comes from, which correlates with the challenge already discussed. The negative meanings of white should also be discussed at this point. It is associated with boredom, coldness, emptiness, distance. Therefore, it is partly connected with the slogan "Play has no limits", which encourages breaking out of the norm. Coldness can be equated with putting an aspiration above everything else, and emptiness with a set and consistently pursued goal.

However, the color of the slogan "Play has no limits" fades and merges with the background colors, revealing the obvious departure of this statement from the norm, with which it does not take long to merge with the complete disappearance. This creates the impression that the absence of limits is a fragile illusion between possibility and reality.

Decoding the Slogan "Play has no limits"

The word "Play" is written in larger letters than the rest of the text. This shows the singular importance of the word compared to the rest of the text. Also, another uniqueness of the word "Play" is revealed by the font, which stands out from the rest of the text "has no limits". Also, the verb "Play" can have more than one meaning depending on the context. This slogan does not specify what the word is supposed to mean (to play, to act, to give permission, to perform something, to do something, to compete). Considering the part "has no limits" separately, since it is written from a new line, it can be considered as a separate part of the text, meaning that there are no limits to the action in question. This feeling is reinforced not only by the meaning of the words, but also by the absence of a period at the end. Hence, it is continuous tense.

The Symbolic Representation of Figures

Triangle symbol in PS5 ad
Triangle in PS5

Triangle has a lot of meanings. First of all, it's a mathematical figure with all angles equal to 60 degrees. Taking this into account, we can relate the triangle with perfection, but at the same time it's a symbol full of mysticism for various meanings: religion, superstitions, and cultural references.

Religion gives us two uses of this symbol. In the Islamic religion, we can find a definition of the "ethical triangle": Following and respecting God - Taqwa, fasting - Ramadan, and the holy text - Quran. Meanwhile, Christianity follows a familiar path, but with this triangle, it represents the Holy Trinity: God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Based on this logic, a lot of different trinities can be highlighted as well: past, present, and future; birth, life, and death; and so on.

 It's also interesting to talk about The Eye of Providence (the eye in the middle of the triangle). It was used as a religious symbol to describe God during the Renaissance. Also often seen on the dollar, which gives it a new meaning - wealth. Taking into account the existing classification of people, wealth can be interpreted as a trinity as well: poor, middle class, and rich.

It's worth noting that in Native American culture, the triangle was believed to ward off spirits. This use of the triangle also gives it a sense of safety and power.

Circle in PS5 ad
Circle in PS5

Circle doesn't have angles. It has a perfect form. How is it perfect? It doesn't have any references of it ending, so it's a symbol of limitless. With limitless it's not hard to relate eternity, because it doesn't matter how much someone will circle it - it's not ending, not changing, so, remaining the same for as long as it exist.

It's perfection can be interpreted as unity. It stands for supporting something, believing in it or in them. So, it's not surprising seeing people creating united circles in some events, like specific festivals and contests.

X in PS5 ad
X in PS5

X is not just a letter. It's unknown, which needs to be solved. So, it can be called a universal distress symbol. It tells that something is missing and needs to be found. That creates stress and uncertainty. It's like a game, but a game that is missing something - a detail, purpose, or even something beyond. That also leads to another meaning - death. Something is not only missing but is gone from existence and can't be returned or taken back (life, relationships, things, etc.).

quadrangle in PS5 ad
quadrangle in PS5

Because quadrangle has four angles, it is associated with the number four. In some way it reminds square, but angles makes it rougher figure. It creates challenge. So, that's why in numerology, this number is associated with practicality (it has clear structure, which can be practically used in different spaces, for example: quadrangle furniture), hard work (it's never ending, but sharp angles imitates hardiness), logic (it can be attached to meaning through mathematical uses in theory and practise), cause-and-effect energy (it can be related to rough angles).


WikiHow. What Does a Triangle Symbol Mean? Spiritual & Cultural Interpretations.

SymbolSage. Circles – What Do They Really Symbolize?

Atlas Obscura. Why Is ‘X’ Such a Big Deal?

Crystalclearintuition. Symbolism Of a Square: What is The Spiritual Significance?


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